Clark Schaefer
Security Assessments

Security Assessments

Our All-Inclusive Approach to Security Assessments

Security Solutions and Clark Schaefer Consulting offer a multi-layered set of comprehensive services designed to expose and remediate potential vulnerabilities.

Here’s how we fortify your security stance:

Deep-Dive Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerability Scans: Rigorous scans across networks, web applications, cloud environments, and code to identify exploitable weak points.

Real-World Penetration Testing

Penetration Tests: Our ethical hackers execute real-world attacks to evaluate your system’s resilience, revealing vulnerabilities that bad actors could exploit.

Social Engineering Evaluations

Human Factor Tests: Phishing, vishing, and SMS-based assessments to gauge staff susceptibility to social engineering schemes.

Physical Security Audits

Facility Assessments: Examine security controls like access points, surveillance systems, and physical computing assets for vulnerabilities.

Long-Term Red Team Exercises

Adversarial Simulations: Our experts mimic sophisticated threat actors over extended periods to help you iteratively bolster your defenses.

Unmatched Security Partner

Leverage Clark Schaefer Consulting's expertise in advanced risk management and cybersecurity solutions to solidify your security measures further.

Why Partner with Clark Schaefer Consulting?

By partnering with Clark Schaefer Consulting, you're not just identifying vulnerabilities; you're arming your organization with a comprehensive, multi-layered defense strategy against complex cybersecurity threats.  When you partner with us, you'll receive:

Multi-Layered Defense Strategy

Obtain a 360-degree view of your security stance. 

Tailored Security Assessments

Benefit from personalized solutions crafted to address your unique vulnerabilities and risks. 

Certified Experts

Leverage the expertise of professionals with industry-recognized certifications, ensuring you receive the highest quality advice and solutions for your security needs. 



Protect What Matters Most with Clark Schaefer Consulting